How does God come to you? Sept 19. 2021

September 19, 2021                  25th Sunday in Ordinary Time


Imagine four persons in a room. 

President of the US

The first one is the President of the United States.

  • He has tremendous power. He can command armies.
  • He has the power to issue executive orders. He can command vaccinations and face masks. 
  • His decisions impact the economy not only of the United States but of the whole world.

Tom Brady

Sitting next to him is Tom Brady.

  • At the peak of his physical power he won Super Bowls with his quickness and skill.
  • He is much admired and envied by a lot of people.

Lady Gaga

The third person in the room is Lady Gaga whose music and charisma have infatuated many audiences with her energy.

  • She is wealthy and has the power to inspire and energize people in her concerts by her music and performance.


Finally, also in the room is a newborn baby lying in a crib.

  • This little baby seemingly has no power or strength whatsoever.
  • That little baby isn’t even able to ask for what it needs.

Now, the question: which of these is ultimately the most powerful?

  • As strange as it may seem, I believe the baby ultimately wields the greatest power.
  • Yes, the other three people in the room have the power to make things happen.
  • However, the baby has a different kind of power.
  • The baby can touch the hearts of people in a way that none of the others can.
  • Babies are innocent, gentle and helpless.
  • Yet they can touch the human heart.
  • There is something about being with a baby that touches people.
  • The presence of the baby can bring out gentleness, kindness and openness unlike any other person. 
  • People even watch their language around a baby.

Babies are cute and helpless, yet powerful!

  • God’s power is a lot like that of the baby.

The Gospel

In the gospel today, Jesus refers to the presence of children.

  • Actually, the gospel is a continuation of the one we had last weekend.
  • Jesus and his disciples are now on their way up to Jerusalem.
  • For the second time, Jesus tells them about what is to happen.
  • He will be handed over to the Gentiles and they will kill him and he will be raised up on the third day.

Disciples arguing

It doesn’t seem as though the disciples have been listening to Jesus said.

  • They have been arguing about who is the greatest.
  • In other words, they have been arguing about who is most important and powerful.
  • Actually, they have been buying into the system that those who are powerful are the ones who can control people and overwhelm them to make them do what they want.

Become like children 

In the second part of the Gospel, Jesus tells them there is another way to do things.

  • Power it’s not manifested in the important and the elite, but true power is found in those who can change the human heart.
  • Jesus uses the example of a child. 


This is the way we experience God‘s activity on earth. 

  • Jesus comes born as a baby, powerless and then dies on the cross helpless and powerless. 
  • Both his birth and his death manifest a power that comes from God alone which can transform and speak to the human heart.
  • Jesus manifests the power of God more like a newborn baby.
  • He comes gently, and helplessly without a power that overwhelms.

God comes into the world 

Jesus continues to come into the world in the same way.

  • He comes in what is viewed as powerless and gentleness.
  • He never overwhelms nor forces his way into people’s lives.
  • Sometimes people are frustrated and impatient with the way that God acts.
  • They would prefer that God come in power and majesty to overwhelm people. That way, people would be compelled to do the right thing. That’s just not the way that God operates.
  • We want God to come clean up the world with his justice and power.
  • However, God continues to operate under the radar.
  • He gently speaks to people’s hearts.
  • He invites them into a relationship.
  • He invites them into the joy of the encounter.
  •  For God, it is love not power that conquers the human heart.


It is really amazing that God who has the ultimate power and authority chooses to come into the world simply, and quietly. 

  • His power is a power of powerlessness.
  • God comes into your life and into mine.
  • However, he comes in the same way that he did when he came centuries ago.
  •  It’s a presence based upon love and not power and coercion.
  • Our challenge is this: will we recognize him when he comes?

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