December 3: What I say to you, I say to all: ‘Watch!’

Dear brothers and sisters, as we gather on this First Sunday of Advent, we embark on a sacred journey of anticipation and preparation. The readings today invite us to reflect on the profound themes of waiting, redemption, and vigilant expectation. In this season of Advent, we are not merely counting down the days until Christmas, but we are called to a deeper spiritual waiting – waiting for the revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ.

The prophet Isaiah, in the first reading, captures the essence of our longing and supplication before the Almighty. The imagery is vivid, expressing a heartfelt plea for God to rend the heavens and come down. The prophet’s words resonate with the human experience of wandering and turning away from God’s ways. Yet, in our repentance, we cry out to the Lord, acknowledging Him as our Father and Redeemer. The passage beautifully portrays the intimacy between God and His people, recognizing that we are the clay and He is the potter – we are the work of His hands. The plea is not only for redemption but for a renewed relationship with the divine, for God to be present in our lives.    

The second reading from Paul’s letter to the Corinthians builds upon the theme of waiting. Paul gives thanks for the grace bestowed on the Corinthians in Christ Jesus, enriching them in every way. The Corinthian community is reminded that they are not lacking in any spiritual gift as they eagerly await the revelation of our Lord Jesus Christ. Paul assures them that God is faithful and will keep them firm to the end. This passage encourages us to reflect on the spiritual gifts we have received and how we are called to use them as we wait with anticipation for the coming of the Lord.                                            

The Gospel passage from Mark reinforces the call to vigilance and watchfulness. Jesus instructs His disciples to be alert, for they do not know when the time will come. The parable of the man traveling abroad, leaving his servants in charge and instructing them to watch, serves as a metaphor for our own lives. We are the servants, and the Lord has entrusted us with responsibilities. The uncertainty of the Lord’s return underscores the importance of living in a state of readiness, not only in avoiding sinful ways but also in actively pursuing righteousness. The Lord’s exhortation to “Watch!” is a call to live with intentionality, aware of our actions and choices.                                                                                

As we enter into this season of Advent, let us take to heart the lessons from these readings. The prophet Isaiah’s plea for God’s presence, Paul’s encouragement to recognize and use our spiritual gifts, and Jesus’ call to vigilance all converge to guide us in our Advent journey. This is a time of reflection and preparation, an opportunity to renew our relationship with God and to live with purpose as we await the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

Let us not merely be passive spectators in this season but active participants in God’s redemptive plan. Let us strive to be mindful of our ways, seeking to do what is right, and using our gifts for the service of others. May this Advent be a time of spiritual renewal, a time when we watch with eager hearts for the revelation of our Lord, who comes to us not only in the celebration of Christmas but in the daily moments of our lives.

May the grace of God, bestowed upon us in Christ Jesus, sustain us throughout this season of Advent, and may we be found vigilant and ready when the Lord comes again. Amen.

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